-Home organized care packages sent to those in an in-patient recovery program is one of the only ways to connect.
-Sadly, these home organized packages are often searched as a necessary precaution to safeguard treament plans. It even becomes necessary to confiscate items that conflict with the goals of treatment.
-While this is an essential precaution, it disrupts vital connection.
A lack of CONNECTION propels relapse!

85% of people who go through recovery relapse within one year of treatment. ⅔ of those 85% return to their addiction within weeks of treatment.
Studies have shown that one of the main contributing factors to this is a lack of meaningful connection with others. One other contributing factor to this is not having purposeful direction when finished with treatment. The needed support to enter back into society and positively contribute is lacking.
Build Meaningful Connection
12thStep.org delivers care packages that are in alignment with treatment plans.
Build connection without the disruption.
Two options to build connection

Option #1:
Build Connection Through Sponsorship
60% of people in treatment have no one rooting for them on the outside.
You have the opportunity to share a message of hope with this 60% by purchasing a care package to be delivered to one of our partners.
The check out process will include a field for you to share words of hope and encouragement.

Option #2:
Build Family and Friend Connection
You have the opportunity to share a message of hope with your loved one in treatment.
Click the link below to see if your treatment center is listed as a partner.
If it is not, no need to worry. The opportunity for partnership with your treament center is just one conversation away.
Order anyway and during checkout a field will be included for you to provide your treatment center information for delivery.
Did You Know?

There were more than 93,000 drug overdose deaths in the United States alone in 2020, the highest of any one-year period since the nation's opioid crisis began in the 1990s, preliminary government data show. That is the same as three Boeing 737 airplanes at full capacity crashing to the earth every day.

An estimated 22 million Americans are needing recovery from drug and other addictions. Approximately 3.7 million people are currently in centers going through programs to get help.
This is only 10% of people that need treatment.

There are over 14,000+ registered facilities in America that help people with addiction through recovery programs.